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= real results!

**FOLSOM CLASS FORMING NOW: 6/26 - 7/24 (Sunday evenings 6-7:30pm)**

The RESTART® program is a 5-week class with a 3-week sugar detox built right in. Part nutrition class, part sugar detox, and part support group - it is a powerful way to jumpstart a new healthy lifestyle! The program focuses on how to use REAL FOOD to boost your energy, reduce inflammation, and get rid of sugar and carb cravings. You will also learn:

● How to prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for your successful sugar detox. 

● How digestion is designed to work and ways to optimize yours.

● What sugar and refined carbs do to the body and how to get off of the sugar rollercoaster.

● The truth about dietary FATS and why healthy fats are essential for health.

● How to move forward from the sugar detox and re-introduce foods in a healthful way back into your diet, as well as how to integrate the skills and tools you've acquired in the program. Learn more, HERE.

Are you ready? Come join us! Cost is $229 until 6/19/22 (sign up with a friend and you save $50; $179 each), which includes the RESTART® cookbook and a binder of materials.          

* Interested in hosting a group? Have 5 or more friends, coworkers, or neighbors who would like a RESTART? Host a private group and save 50%!


Increased Energy

More Restful Sleep

Clothes Fit Better

Clarity and Focus

Decreased Anxiety

Boosted Immune System

RESTART your health in just 5 weeks!

"Whatever I eat, I choose it consciously, I enjoy it thoroughly, and then I let it go."

- Jeni Hall, Creator of the RESTART® Program



"I didn't realize how feeling bad had become my 'new normal' until I went through the RESTART® program. I feel so much better now and believe I have the tools I need to change my approach to food and healthy eating.”


"The RESTART® program was so simple, eye opening, delicious, motivating, supportive and educational. It has truly changed my life!”


"RESTART® gave me the tools to feel better, lose weight, increase energy, and best of all, the common sense of how we should be living and eating. Thank you for helping me make a difference in my life and my family.”


"I now understand what I need to heal myself and my family. This class changed my attitude towards food and health. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time, I highly recommend taking RESTART®. ”

"If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live?"


- Unknown

Serving Sacramento, El Dorado and Placer Counties (and beyond virtually)

Tel: 310.944.4066

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The information contained on this website is intended for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with a licensed medical professional before engaging in any dietary, supplement and/or lifestyle change.

© 2022 Made 2 Thrive Wellness

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