Access professional-grade supplements through Fullscript

Options for
Working With Me
One 60-minute call/in-person consult where I will analyze a comprehensive health history and symptom questionnaire and 3-day food journal and then come up with a PERSONALIZED plan for you including dietary, lifestyle and supplement recommendations
Time to get *your* questions answered
Recap email
2-Month Package
One 90-minute in-depth initial consult
2 45-min follow-ups (weeks 4 & 8)
2 15-min check-ins (weeks 2 & 6)
I will analyze your health history, comprehensive symptom questionnaire, and 4-day food journal to develop a custom plan that may include diet, sleep, movement, stress management, and supplement recommendations. Plan is updated at each consult.
Email support
10% discount on professional supplements
4-Month Package
One 90-minute in-depth initial consult
4 45-min follow-ups (weeks 4, 8, 12, 16)
4 15-min check-ins (weeks 2, 6, 10, 14)
I will analyze your health history, comprehensive symptom questionnaire, and 4-day food journal to develop a custom plan that may include diet, sleep, movement, stress management, and supplement recommendations. Plan is updated at each consult.
I will reevaluate your current symptoms at week 12.
Email support
15% discount on professional supplements

Are you ready to make a change? Let's do this together!